How am I going to present my FLS?

After many hours of thinking, I have decided to present my FLS as a poem. After reading the readings from Week 9, 10 and 11 I grasped an insight into what is occurring in the world around us. I feel as though I have developed a view of what it would be like to step inside the shoes of a Syrian Refugee. I’d like to therefore form a poem which conveys the travels of a Syrian Refugee who is trying to migrate to Australia in hope for a better life. I believe a poem is the best way to go about this, as poetry is vital language. It relies solemnly on the writer’s feelings, history and their own perception. I may also include some images to support the concept of the poem.

Curating Content on the Web

“If you use the web, you are a ‘Curator”

A curator evaluates and breaks down content from the web, into a structure for us to be able to better understand. A web curator shares the information that they have gathered or perceived with their online audience.

571 new websites are being created every minute, 175 million tweets are tweeted per day and 48 hours of new videos are uploaded each minute, therefore it just goes to show that a curator’s job of curating content on the web is never done. Every time we look on the web, there seems to be a different curation developed.

I never really thought about it in this way, but I suppose every time a post has been made onto a social network like Facebook or Twitter you are endlessly curating content from the web. This must make me a Curator!

Unlocking Education in The Liminal Space

Through this unit we have discovered liminal spaces that have all been different in one way or another. Our liminal space varies depending on where we live and what environment we are in. In regards to a Syrian refugee and their liminal space, providing them with a goof education can offer them a positive and successful outcome rather than a negative outcome. Providing Syrian refugees with an opportunity to an education may help them with getting a job, giving them more hope for a better future. Giving them an education in relation to these liminal spaces can hopefully discontinue the trend of these individuals who are not receiving an education.

Google Cardboard – What is it?

Good Cardboard is a virtual reality; it is a fold out cardboard mount for a mobile device. A low cost product that encourages people to look inside to enter the world of Cardboard, where you have the ability to explore a variety of apps that unfold around you. An individual is able to visit new places, play immersive games and even fly through space. An application called jump allows any creator to capture the world through video, this allows others to be able to step inside someone else’s daily life.

Virtual Reality

This virtual reality experience promotes applications that gives us new ways to learn, meet people and experience being in striking places. It provides us with a cheap platform of being able to experience a 3D world, with a smart phone and cardboard box.

This 3D platform allows us to view a 3D space, a motion captured 3D environment. In regards to how this impacts on education, we have the opportunity to grasp the way of life; this could be by walking in other peoples shoes for a day. We are able to explore the liminal spaces of others worldwide.

Teachers Without Borders

I really enjoyed reading this page. I was able to grasp in insight into their mission and values. I admired a part of their mission statement which stated that “Teachers are the largest professionally trained group in the world – the key local catalysts of change and hope” They also mention that Teachers Without Borders connect teachers to information and each other to be able to bring about social change worldwide. This statement is very spot on. Teachers Without Borders focuses on the relationship and the connection of teachers worldwide. Through their website I feel as though that this organization offers various resources to teachers. They provide teachers worldwide with an insight into advanced learning. Teachers Without Borders state that leaders are not born or made; they show up. Teacher leaders are anyone with valuable education to share. You, too.Top of Form

Syrian Refugees in Australia – Staying With a Family

This article focuses on Adelaide parents who open their family home to welcome first of 12,000 new arrivals. In relation to a Syrian refugee living in Australia, their liminal space would consist of the feeling of the unknown. They will be living a new life, a new start in a country that’s new to them, living with complete strangers. Whether their relationship with these strangers will change or not, it is very unclear. Their liminal space consists of others and they are yet to be in a possible where they have their own space of their own. At the moment the Syrian refugees space is provoked by other individuals or refugees.

It is not just the Syrian refugees that are in the position of a liminal space, so are the individuals who are housing these refugees. They are allowing refugees – complete strangers to live in their own house, under their roof, for a reasonable amount of time. This is led by language barriers between the two as well as cultural and lifestyle living differences. It is uncertain as to whether the Syrian refugees or the individuals housing these refugees daily lifestyle will change because of this.

Calais’s Syrian Refugees – No Man’s Land

I could not imagine myself being stuck in a French port of Calais waiting to claim Asylum into the UK. I would be questioning as to what would end up happening to my family and myself. This article is apparent to state that there are many Syrians trying to flee from their country in a hope for a better life. The individuals believe that for a better start being in England is the answer. It is said that in their original countries those people are saying if you go to England you will have everything, you will have money, a job and your family will be able to join you.

As an individual they are stuck in a liminal space as it is unclear as to whether their travels will get them to their destination. The mafia gangs are the reason behind this.. The Syrian refugees are left with putting their life at risk and in control of criminals in a hope for a better future. These mafia gangs are charging more than 11,800 euros per person to smuggle someone into Europe. The problem with this is that even if a refugee makes it to England it is uncertain as to whether they will allow them to be let in. This can result in the Syrian refugees to be left with returning to their War crisis of a country. It is a win or lose situation which could have a miracle or a devastating outcome.

What you need to know – World Vision

Whilst reading this World Vision page, the one aspect that draw to my attention was that there are 12 million Syrians who have fled their home because of conflict. In saying this, half of these individuals are children! Children that are affected by the conflict in Syria are at huge risk of becoming ill, malnourishes, abused or even exploited. Millions of these children are forced to quite school. Whilst have of these refugees are children, more than 700,000 Syrian refugees end up risking their life to travel to Europe for a better life, away from violence, a collapsed infrastructure and the safety of children.